Par Ashna le 27 June 2013 à 05:15
I should probably start off by admiting that I have a bit of an active imagination. Sometimes I see something or someone and I start to wonder. My wanderings often take a different turn and something like a movie plays in my wicked little head. I can't voice my wanderings or fantasies so I have to write. I've tried posting my work in other blogs but usualy ended up in hot water over the content. All that being said what you're about to read is an original work of Ashna and pure fiction/fantasy (So, be a dear and don't republish this without my permission). Oh and any resemblance to people actually livng or actual situations that may have occured are (somewhat) coincidental.
It’s late. The office building is deserted, but the night guard was kind enough to let me in out of the light rain. Kindly, he smiles as he holds the door open for me, taking in the sight of me dressed in black fish net stockings, a black trench style rain coat and matching high heels. My dark auburn hair spills around my shoulders in kinky-curly coils and a simple string of elegant pearls adorn my throat. He seems to think nothing of what I’m wearing. To him I look the part of a classy, smartly dressed woman in my pearls and heels. I wonder if he knows what I have on under my coat as I step inside the elevator and push the button for the top floor, your floor.
Earlier you called to say you would be working late. Something about rewriting contracts, but I don’t care about that. To the rest of the world you’re a brilliant and powerful businessman many would think twice about going up against. But behind your large mahogany desk, expensive suits, and Mont Blanc pens I know who you really are. I know that you are mine…and tonight you left me…hungry.
The elevator bell chimes and the doors slowly open to your floor. Your office is the only one on the dark corridor. My heels echo in the darkness along with the rain softly pelting against the windows as I make my way around your secretary’s desk to your office door. I notice a bright light protruding from beneath it. I raise my hand to knock but stop myself. You are mine and where others may await your permission to enter, I need none. I grasp the brass handle of one of the double doors and turn it smiling to find the door unlocked.
I step into the light of your office and find you seated at your desk. The back of your oversized leather chair to me as you scribble notes on a yellow legal pad. I step fully into your office, the plush carpet silencing my footsteps and you don’t hear me. I slam the door allowing my presence to be heard.
“Who in the hell-“, you start to say as you swivel in your chair ready to destroy the person who dared to interrupt you. Your voice catches in your throat at the sight of me standing by the door arms folded across my chest and wearing a cool expression on my face as I tap my foot impatiently.
“Sweetness, what are you doing here?” you ask rising from your chair, up and up to your full height of six and a half feet.
“You left me hungry,” I state flatly. “I needed you tonight and you left me hungry.”
Moving around your desk you cross your large office in long, sure strides. “Sweetness, I’m sorry,” you say as you stop before me to run your hands down my arms. “This contract couldn’t wait.”
I eye you carefully from head to toe and breathe your scent in. Your hair is neatly combed yet your jaw holds the dusting of a shadow beard where you would normally be clean-shaven dressed as you are. Clad in a tailored charcoal grey suit, a blue shirt that highlight the sparks of blue in your eyes and a blue and grey striped silk tie you look like something straight off the cover GQ Magazine. The scent of your expensive cologne, the one you know drives me crazy, dances within my nostrils and your nearness spawns wetness between my thighs. I am not angry with you, after all this is a small part of who you are, but my desire will not be denied.
“Take it off,” I command fingering the lapel of your coat. “Take it all off but keep the tie.”
Without hesitation you step back and obey, your eyes now a burning midnight blue. Eyes locked with mine you carefully begin removing your clothes giving me a slow sensual show that even the most skilled male stripper couldn’t compete with. Off goes the jacket carefully folded and laid on a near by ottoman, followed by the Italian leather shoes, black socks, pants and that lovely blue shirt. I watch your muscles bunch and flex as you remove each article. Finally you’re down to your silk tie and black boxer briefs, your body honed from hours at the gym and sun kissed skin begging for my touch. You stand proud feet shoulder width a part, your body ready for my touch, you eyes daring me to take what I want. Your enormous erection strains angrily against the offending fabric of your boxer briefs demanding release. Slowly, your thumbs hook the bands to remove them.
“No,” I command holding up a hand. This is mine, my gift to unwrap. I walk to where you stand placing my hands upon the heated flesh of your golden chest. Slowly, I rake my nails down your chest and abdomen as I sank to the plush carpet on my knees. I look up at you watching you watch me as I playfully rake my nails across your fabric covered cock. You groan and your cock pushes hard against the fabric begging for more of my touch. Slowly, I massage and scratch your cock though your boxer briefs watching tiny green flames flicker in your blue-green eyes.
With a smile I grasp the waistband of your boxer briefs and yank them down your muscled hips. Your cock, angrily engorged, springs free in all it’s glory and taps me heavily on the nose. I chuckle using my nails to gently scratch the underside as I nibble and kiss your thigh.
You growl my name a plea on your lips as your fists clinch at your sides. Your muscles are taut with sexual tension and I’m enjoying the show. I’ve always enjoyed this. It never failed to amaze me to see you like this. You, a man who carefully controls every aspect of his life, a masterful ruthless negotiator, a spitting cobra as your business partners and employees have affectionately have dubbed you. A tall powerful man of total control yet with the slightest whisper of my touch... I control you.
“Have I told you what a beautiful cock you have?” I ask as my tongue finds the underside and licks lazily. Your cock twitches again and I feel a shudder run through you. “So large and thick. I love the way you fill me up,” I breathe pausing between words here and there to slowly lick you as if savoring my favorite lollypop.
Unable to help yourself your hips give a small thrust forward. I laugh taking you inside the moist heat in my mouth, your cock stretching my mouth and sliding deep into my throat. You cry out my name hoarsely as you toss your head back closing your eyes as I make love to your cock with my mouth. Your strong hands fist in my hair as I increase the pressure. My tongue swirls and traces the ridges of you as one hand massages your balls and the other squeezes the hard muscles of your ass. I look up and watch you, your golden body tensing with a fine sheen of sweat. I watch your eyes flutter and your harsh groans of pleasure filling the spacious office. Your hips pump faster fucking my mouth more forcefully. I have to concentrate to keep my gag reflex in check and moan savoring at the sweet, salty taste and the unique smell of you. I feel little pangs of pain in my scalp as your hands tighten in my hair. I tighten the pressure on your cock and use my teeth to gently scrape. Your body jerks violently.
“Damn,” you nearly roar. “I’m going to-“
Your eyes snap open as the sensation of my mouth abruptly leaves your cock. You look down at me your chest heaving, your eyes full of question. I smile up at you your hands still in my hair your cock a whisper from my mouth straining for my attention. I know you want to force my mouth back onto your cock but you resist. You know better.
I bring my hand up to your wrist and lightly tap. Reluctantly, you untangle your fingers from my heavy mass of kinky curls. Slowly, I come to my feet smiling as I enjoy the sight of you struggling for control of yourself. Standing more than half a foot taller than me and outweighing me by over one hundred pounds of muscle, you could easily over power me and take your pleasure, but you know better. You command authority in the office, but before me stripped bare to nothing save your silk tie, I command you.
I grasp your tie, now the perfect leash, and tug none too gently beckoning you to follow me to your oversized desk chair. You acquiesce unable to resist the hungry look in my eyes. I give your chest a little shove and you indulge me by falling into your chair legs spread. Your hands grip the arm rests and your knuckles turn white. I step back slightly my eyes taking in the sight of your magnificent body as I undo the sash of my jacket. You watch carefully as my fingers undo the buttons and lick your lips with anticipation. Finally, the coat is open and I let it fall from my shoulders to puddle at my feet. I toss my hair over my shoulder, hands braced on my hips as I stand proudly before you.
Your eyes widen and your nostrils flare, your breathing quickening as you take in the sight of me. My chocolate hourglass figure stands clad in a retro styled black lacy crotchless teddy. With my pearl necklace, and black fishnet thigh highs, full heavy breast and bedroom eyes I have the look of a classic pinup model.
“Christ,” you growl your nails biting into the leather of the chair’s armrest.
With a small laugh I saunter towards you straddling your lap your cock between us lying flat against your chiseled abs. Slowly, I wrap your tie around my hand and jerk you forward, my expression cool. I lean forward and my tongue finds the frantic pulse at your neck. Deliberately I blaze a trail of fire from your neck to your chin and lips tasting the saltiness of your sweat. I pause at your lips mine barely touching yours. Grasping a handful of your hair with my other hand I yank, forcing your head back not missing the green sparks in your blue-green eyes, or the hitch in your breathing.
“You left me hungry,” I accuse my voice a low commanding seductive whisper. “I refuse to go hungry.”
I raise myself slightly, release your head to grasp your cock and bring my hips down, sheathing your cock fully in me. We both cry out at the delicious sensation of our joining. Your cock stretches my tight pussy and I feel as if you’re going to split me in half. Driven by my hunger I begin to ride your cock slowly allowing my body to adjust to you. I maintain my hold on your tie and my hand finds it way back to your thick hair. Your hands find my hips as I begin to ride you faster, harder. Our cries of passion fill the room as I bounce up and down, up and down, on your cock, riding you like a Valkyrie upon her steed.
“More,” I demand swirling and twisting my hips against you. Your oversized chair squeaks angrily in protests to the fierce movements.
Your grip becomes painful as you slam me down on your cock while simultaneously delivering powerful upward thrusts. I know I’ll have bruises in the morning but right now I don’t care. I cry out in ecstasy as the head of your cock knocks on the door of my womb, deep and hot. Our bodies coil tighter and tighter and I hear that certain hoarse groan that alerts me that you’re about to spill your seed. Seizing control, I yank your hair hard and your eyes meet mine.
“Don’t …you… dare,” I command through clinched teeth as I quicken my rhythm. You bite your tongue and match my pace, your brow set in concentration.
Suddenly, my body is unable to take anymore and I give into the pleasure flooding me. I scream your name as a supernova of ecstasy explodes through me. You cry out as my channel grips your cock painfully, pulsing and milking it tempting you to follow me into sweet bliss. Yet, you hold strong, your body fighting back your orgasm as mine ravishes me.
After what seems like an eternity the violent tremors release my body and I collapse against you sweaty and momentarily sated. My head rests on your shoulder as i sigh contently into your neck. We both gulp down huge breaths of air scented sweetly with sweat, sex, and leather. I can feel the hardness of your cock and the slight tremor running through your body, a sign of your desperate need for release. When the pounding of my heart calms I raise my head and kiss you. My tongue explores and savors the taste of your mouth as we both moan our pleasure as you return my kiss hungrily. Quickly, I pull away and you groan in protest. I remove my body from yours. Your cock is still rock hard, nearly purple with anger in it’s demand for release.
I say nothing and you watch me from your chair as I pick up my coat and pull it back on artfully tying the sash in a bow. Your fingers itch to grab your cock and finish yourself off, but you know better. I rake my fingers though my ruffled hair and skillfully craft it into a messy bun. I turn from your desk, my eyes still not meeting yours, and walk quietly t to the door.
You call to me quizzically as I open the door.
“You left me hungry,” I reply without turning to you. “It’s your turn now. Finish the contracts you started and when you get home, maybe I’ll finish what I started.”
Without another word I step into the darkness of the hallway, the soft click of the door following me.
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Par Ashna le 26 June 2013 à 17:43
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Ashna. Is that my real name? Maybe, maybe not but it does hold significant meaning. I can tell you what is real and it's the words that will fill this blog. These are the words of my real thoughts and desires, things I unfortunately have to keep hidden in my day to day life for vairous reasons. Yet, the power of the internet and this blog allows me to remain anonymous and share these things and perhaps blow of some...steam. I can share my desires and thoughts without fear of being discovered and through my sharing gain a deeper understanding of myself and maybe help others. Brilliant isn't it? For all you know, I could be your neighbor, co-worker, a student sitting in your class or even the barista that serves you your morning cup of liquid energy. Anyone of you could cross my path on any given day in any given town and be none the wiser. A flame hidden in plain sight with her desires laid forth for all to see. Where will this journey take me? That I can't answer as wild fires are often hard to control and to be honest I don't really want to.
So please, read away, but please don't steal from me. These are my original thoughts and ideas. Trust me, you don't want to stroke this fire the wrong way. So, let the journey begin...
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